This is a heartbreakingly beautiful story about a little girl whose best friend was hit by a car and killed all but 5 years prior. She was having her birthday party and had to see her friend’s parents again for the first time since that day. The last thing she has to really remember her friend is their bunny named pistachio. I really loved the ending and the voice in which the story was written. I am once again in awe of your description of things. The crash itself was written in such a poetic way that it was heart wrenching but not ridiculously gorey. I also loved the title and how it all connects throughout the story. Overall it was just very beautifully written. It makes me wonder a lot about the mom and how she became so cold. Was she always this way? I feel like I need an explanation. As far as suggestions go, nothing really comes to mind right now other than elaborating on the mom. You did a really good job with this one Sophie, I really liked it.